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Old February 14, 2009, 10:35 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Then our 39.95 book on Toll Positions should do great, right?

Originally Posted by JimmyKrug View Post
The market is very good right now for low-cost products.

The BOOK on Toll Positions is due out April. The initial price will be 39.95. It is a real book that details how anyone can get started in the lucrative Toll Position business.

Over the last couple of years Harvey Brody has been helping people get their feet wet in the TOLL POSITION business and he has deferred to me when it comes to the instruction. This has caused a couple of problems due to my teaching methodology.

I'm a HIT THE BALL kind of instructor and we'll learn from feedback on how to hit the ball further and straighter and make it do what you want. This has proven to be a much more advanced system in teaching someone to golf than the traditional PGA system of "Grip, Stance, Swing".

Does HIT THE BALL translate when trying to help people find Toll Positions. UM, yes and no.

Why haven't we just released a step by step, here's how you do it, A-Z, nuts and bolts set of instructions on the HOW?

Because. Because we wanted a "measured" response, and because we don't have a lot of time, it has been a sideline, back burner project for us.

Truthfully, it has been hard keeping up with the handful of DOERS who have actually contacted inventors and others about stored value products. Neither Harvey Brody nor I have the time to be sending dozens of emails a day regarding this, although we have.

What happens when we have 1000 or 10,000 people who want to contact us? Its not going to happen, we can't do it.

But we can make the initial information available to the masses knowing full well that the vast majority are NOT going to act upon the information no matter how detailed it might be.

95% of the buyers will be "collectors" and will quickly move on to the next launch or Warrior Special Offer and continue to SPEND money rather than make it.

It is those 5% of DOERS that we want to work with and mentor further to take them to the Toll Position Promised land where milk and honey flow freely through the streets of gold.

Toll Positions are one of the very few ways in the United States where you can go to bed poor and wake up rich. Winning the lottery has done it for a few, having a rich relative that liked you die in the middle of the night has worked for a few others.

Other than that, and maybe a guru launch of their latest Internet Marketing product has worked for two or three...I don't know of any other way to start from scratch and in a matter of days or weeks to have a positon of control and ownership that could produce big money to you, seemingly overnight.

It is why I've been diligent in taking copious notes and recording hours and hours of Harvey Brody lessons that now can be unleashed to the general public.

Several of you SowPubbers have made significant contributions and will be receivng a special Thank You edition when it rolls off the presses.

I am putting the finishing touches on the manuscript before it goes to "proofreading, editing and legal" and then it will be released.

39.95 plus shipping and handling. We want to release millions of copies, will settle for a few thousand, because within those few thousand we'll find a handfull people who will locate toll positions which will allow a win/win/win/win/win result for all involved.

Do you think 39.95 plus shipping and handling is LOW enough?

I do.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. FINAL CHANCE to get your questions answered in the book. IF you have any questions, feel free to post them here and I'll let you know if we've covered that or not. It has been almost 18 months since we gathered the first round of questions and it has taken a year of working with people to sort out how to best bring this information out that will not eat up all of our time and yet help the sincere DOER to get established. Chances are we have the answer to your question in the book, but, how will we know if you don't ask? So, LAST call for questions regarding Toll Positions as a path to wealth and happiness.

Last edited by GordonJ : February 14, 2009 at 10:40 AM.
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