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Old January 3, 2010, 01:42 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Businesses which do well in bad times...

Counter-cyclical businesses...

What are they?

These are businesses which boom... Especially when times are bad.

If you want to succeed in hard times, it's good to know about these businesses...

So, what are some businesses which are counter-cyclical?

One business which is counter-cyclical is any business which facilitates networking. In these hard times, people are networking harder than ever. That's because keeping in touch with other people leads to new opportunities.

There are a variety of businesses which help make it easier for people to befriend and get to know other people.

Apparently the CEO of LinkedIn - a website which helps with networking - has said that it's as busy as ever. However, there are other businesses which facilitate with networking as well, such as organizing networking meetups and luncheons, and other events where people in related industries can meet each other.

Temp agencies often do better in economic bad times. While there may be less demand for full time employees, the need for "temp" workers increases.

Some kinds of education also do well in bad times. Especially any kind of education which can lead to better job prospects or income.

Any business which sells discounted goods also does well. In a downturn, people are looking to still buy quality, but at a cheaper price if they can get it. So if you can get stuff cheaper than anyone else (such as from liquidated stock and other similar sources), you can sell it cheap and still make a profit.

So - even in bad times - there's an "upside" if you know what to look for...

Why not "turn lemons into lemonade" and keep these truths about "counter-cyclical businesses" in mind?

Best wishes,


Last edited by Dien Rice : January 3, 2010 at 01:51 AM.
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