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Old August 9, 2000, 07:30 AM
Posts: n/a
Default "The heights which men (and women) have achieved and kept, were not obtained by sudden flight...

but they, while their companions slept, toiled upward in the night."


Now you know the secret. THE secret.

One day I may publish all my e-mail in a book, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll have good night time reading material...

And the ONE e-mail that I get week after week after week is one that goes something like this

"Gordon, what would you do...."

fill in the blank...

And I ALMOST always give my OPINION, because it was asked, SOLICITED...

I don't initiate e-mail that says, "I think you should do......."

I respond. And the response has been the same for over 10 years...



with some variations along the way.

My BEST advice in descending order:

Find a part-time JOB doing demo work on commission basis.

OR...Do some door-to-door selling...

OR...take a part-time TELEMARKETING job...

OR...take a part-time commission selling job in a highly competitive industry, cell phones come to mind

OR...go wax cars or wash windows and save the money until you can invest it in your business...

If you are going to start a REMOTE operation, like mailorder, get the best material out there and DO IT. Buy Jim Straw's course; Dien asked my advice and I told him to BUY IT, he did.

Or Melvin Powers' or Dean F. V. DuVall...then TEST TEST TEST, which takes money of course and if you don't have any...go to the above...

But why all the SELLING you ask? You say, "I hate selling face to face." Just can't do it.

That says it.

I suggest and recommend selling for two reasons, it teaches you human behavior in the REAL WORLD, and it teaches you it is NOT about you.

People who hate face to face selling are insecure in some way, and they are SELF-conscious.

That is EXACTLY why they should do it. Selling is not about I, or ego. It is about LEARNING and the best salespeople get their self's out of the way of the process.

REJECTION. It is the FOUNDATION of selling. And if you personalize it, if you make it subjective, then of course you will hate it. Won't be able to do it. REJECTION is all the cornerstone of life, and we do our children a great disservice in not teaching them this in school or at home.


Selling is about having solutions to other people's problems or needs or wants.

It is all in your attitude, which is the FUNDAMENTAL principle of the SQUARE ONE WORKSHOPS.


YOUR THINKING. Or as Zig Ziglar might put it, "your stinkin thinkin"...

Because above ALL else, above KNOWLDGE, WISDOM, MONEY or TIMING is


Today, we're going to post the first Lesson OF REMOTE HYPNOSIS.

Some of your have read portions of it and have given your feedback, the rest will be available soon for you to critque.

Most of the pics are being used under "Fair Use" of Copyright law, there are, however a few instances where I needed to get permission to use full length pieces. For example, Dr. Paul Hartunian recently granted me permission to use a FULL PAGE AD that he has been running for the last 10 years.

What does that tell you? IT WORKS and is worthy of your time and attention. If you don't know who Paul is, pay him a visit at

So, we hope you will enjoy the first lesson in REMOTE HYPNOSIS.

I'm also recording an audio version, which will be different, because we don't want to send out paper, just audio...

Then there are all the links,

The Internet is still iffy about some things. Some people DON'T want a link, others WANT one.

So, all that has to be tended to too.

But we seem to be on-track. Glad to take your input, opinions and will incorporate your good ideas too.

I'm going back to work NOW, this has been a little break...

Hope to have LESSON ONE of REMOTE HYPNOSIS posted today...

Thanks as usual for your TIME and attention,

Gordon Alexander