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Old July 14, 2010, 04:18 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default Great online copywriting resources you can use...


One thing I feel is very useful in any business is skill in copywriting - that is, writing effective ads.

Why? Because nothing happens until a sale is made, and when you know how to make sales with your writing, you can have a "salesperson" working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anywhere you want that salesperson to be! Whether it is on a website, in a mailed out letter, or even on a poster or billboard.

Anyway, one thing I like to do is to constantly hone my copywriting skills.

What do you feel are some of the best copywriting resources online?

Don't worry if it's been mentioned before...

Here's one I'll mention. It's the website

You have to register to see all the content (though it's free). There are many amazing ads there you can study, written by the "greats"... People like Eugene Schwartz, Benjamin Suarez (though they misspelled his name), there's the famous John Carlton "one legged golfer" ad (which is in the "Big Time Million Dollar Display Ads" collection)... and so on...

What other copywriting resources do you know about and recommend?

Thanks in advance, I hope you find useful information in this post. Now make sure to use the information too...!

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