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Old June 29, 2011, 02:51 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,506
Default PART TWO OF Rare post from one of my newsletters.

Or risk getting left behind.

************************************************** *

How do you get from $0 to making as much as
$100,000 a year or more as a freelance copywriter?

At last, a handful of top copywriting pros have
broken it all down, step-by-simple-step.

Follow these simple steps in order ... starting
with steps 1, 2, and 3 ... and within 90 days, you
WILL have your first copywriting client and be well
on your way to career copywriting success --

To see how, go here:

************************************************** *

If left-brained thinking alone is "out" and "right-
brained" or "whole-brained" thinking is "in," how
do you know who has what it takes?

David Ogilvy used to say that an insatiable sense
of curiosity was the single best thing to look for
when hiring copywriters.

Per another study mentioned in Pink's book, you
might want to add something else to the short list:
a sense of humor.

In the study (I don't have the book in front of me
at the moment, so I don't have the name)... a
researcher created a test where subjects had to
spot or create the "funny" in different situations.

For instance, he showed them five New Yorker
cartoons without the captions then told them to
come up with captions of their own.

Now, how you measure success seems pretty
subjective to me. Not everyone agrees on what's
funny, which is why humor in actual copy is so

But maybe there's something to this, still.

Just doing mental inventory, I can't think of a
single copywriter worth any salt that doesn't know
how to make people laugh.

It just seems to go with the territory. Along with,
in a lot of cases, guitar playing or drawing

I've often thought that can't be an accident. And
according to the study, there's a good chance it
isn't. Humor, like musical or artistic ability,
lights up scans on the right side of the brain.

And if Pink is right (see today's first article),
brainpower on the right is the extra edge you need
when it comes to skills like creativity, empathy,
and other key traits of a great copywriter.

Hmm. So did you hear the one about... now how does
that joke go?

************************************************** *
THE MISSING LINK: What Your "Friends" Do on Vacation

Travel season is here -- where to go and what to
do? Why not let some like-minded people tell you?

************************************************** *

Acupuncture, they say, is a jab well done. Other
jabs go here: [email protected]

I hear that bakers only trade recipes on a knead-
to-know basis. But everything here is yours to
share with friends, absolutely fr•e:

Oh, and this...

Every calendar's days are numbered, but this will
stand the test of time: All the above is © 2011 by
John Forde.


BY THE WAY, if you ever want to reproduce one of
these CR articles in a blog, in an email, in a
book, on a milk carton... or on one of those
banners they hang on the back of airplanes at the
beach... GO AHEAD!

You've got my blessing.

Just promise you'll make sure you'll include a link
back to my website and encourage your readers to
sign up for $78 worth of free gifts.
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