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Old September 7, 2011, 08:41 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default What EXPERIENCES have you paid for?

In a discussion today, we spoke of EXPERIENCES, like the people paying a couple of hundred bux in Vegas to play with heavy equipment...

We had a list of several things we did between us including...

Hang Glider
Real Glider
Shooting an AK47 (yea, you can pay a couple hundred at some ranges and fire away)
And many other EXPERIENCES.

I mentioned the Big money ones, like a Tony Robbins seminar on his island...for 10 or 15 grand...and we discussed the BOOMING CHINESE RICH...who are seeking experiences here in USA.
Í am looking for the 200 to 300 dollar range experiences which you might have the donkey ride into the Grand Canyon.

I'll share a couple later, which I think might be good money makers for any locale...but until then,

what experiences have you paid for?

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