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Old November 2, 2011, 04:15 PM
Skip Rosell
Posts: n/a
Smile Re: $700 a day... just for parking two trucks!

Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post

You are absolutely correct. If they can get to their phone, they will. End of story. A few of my teacher friends tell me cell phone use by students is a real problem. Also, as I understand it, even if the cell phone is off in N.Y., it is still subject to confiscation at the door if the student has it as they enter the school.

BTW, here is an unsolicited "buy now" testimonial for the report you list in your sig line. Absolutely genius. And, since I've bought a few of your reports, I need your SSAN so I can claim you as a dependent on my taxes ...

Have a great day,


Hi Tom,

Thank you for your order and kind words.

You right in NY they take it away even if you are not using the phone. They know, if the student has the phone they will be looking, for a place or way to use it.

Here is my ssan # 000-00-0001 Feeling a little old today.

Best of success,

Skip Rosell
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