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Old November 15, 2011, 07:29 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Important point...The Boz is an old Lazy, AZZ unmotivated by money, therefore...

Thanks Steve,

I want to mention that in the report, I feel that with some MARKETING, AND many of you here know about that...

This biz-op could really explode on you.

Sure, it is nice to be able to make money whenever you want...BUT, if you did choose to run this as a business, even one with very part time could work as much as you cared to, or hire people to do it for you.

Boz has a magnetic marketing system and a routine where he approaches people...but, I think if someone wanted to keep hours, and have a set location...they could spend very little marketing this...and Walmart is doing it in this locale for 50 bux...easy to beat the price and the service.

I'd set up right across the street from a Walmart and, all things being equal and a place available and you'd never be NOT busy...

Gordon Alexander

PS. Headlights...Got Some?

Originally Posted by SteveSki View Post
I bought a copy for my son because he's always asking if I know of any spare time money makers that he and his girlfriend can do and Dien is right... the manual is very good because of the simple and easy marketing system that the BOS has come up with. Another thing I really like about this is how portable it is. You can keep your drill/buffer and cleaning supplies in a small box on the back seat of your car or in the trunk and drive cross country stopping whenever you need to make a little more dough!

It's the marketing that made me a $310 profit my first day of painting house numbers on curbs with Address America back in 1996. And I didn't have to talk to a single person to get the business thanks to David Ashley's Magic Marketing Flyers that did the selling for me.

What Bos and Gordon have will not even require any business cards or flyers... no walking door to door passing flyers out. Most of the time you can just sit on your **** to do this!

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