Thread: Happy New Year
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Old January 7, 2012, 10:24 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
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Default Re: My secret to a happy life...

Hi Michael,

All great advice!

Originally Posted by MichaelRoss View Post
8 - Do goofy stuff. Do kids things. yeah yeah, we put away are childish ways. Bull**** to that, I say. WHY stop enjoying kicking a hackey sack or tossing a frisbee or doing a stupid dance in your home when noone/everyone is looking. Goofy is good.
I totally agree with you here...

Sometimes it can be very "freeing" to do something silly!

Somehow in my 20s, I got to being very serious... But then, one day, with a group of friends - we slid down a slide!

We didn't care what others in the park thought - adults sliding down a slide. But, it was great!

(If you do this, though, make sure it's a solid, metal slide, and not one of those flimsy plastic ones! )

As adults, we sometimes get too "caught up" in the seriousness of life, and don't take enough time out to actually have fun doing "physical" things!

10 - Understand at your core level that, there is always a way (to do what you want to do, achieve what you want to achieve, etc). You might not know it right at that moment, but it is there waiting for you to discover. Thus, you become open to possibilities.
I believe that is true...

Life is a journey of discovery. At least, that's what it's meant to be (in my opinion).

Thanks - great stuff, Michael!

Best wishes!

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