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Old January 24, 2012, 01:22 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default The BIGGEST mistake salespeople make is...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

Now the first and biggest mistake most salespeople make is...


Let me give you a secret. This can take you from average and ordinary, to be closing a high percentage of your do want to make more sales, right?

To make more sales...


What??!! Heresy??? But, salesman should care.


To make more sales, Dont' Care.

See, when you walk into a business with a don't care attitude, several things happen...

it takes the STINK of desperation off of you.

it eliminates nervousness. It puts YOU at ease, eliminates any fear of rejection, any trepidation...

all of these are subconsciously and subliminally picked up by UNCONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION BY YOUR TARGET.

The don't care attitude puts you in control of these non verbal communications.

The RIGHT attitude is:

I have an opportunity for you...where YOU profit in some way...however, if you don't want to take advantage of this opportunity...I don't care...some other business will...the one that wants to make more profits.

So, if you are selling ads on giant postcards, or selling pizza cards, or selling headlight cleaning...or insurance or encyclopaedias...

YOU, the salesperson have to know, it doesn't matter...cause someone is going to buy and the quicker and faster you find out who isn't a customer...the sooner you get to help someone else who cares about his/her bottom line.

You don't have to hide the fact you are a salesperson, they know the second you walk in the door and their unconscious defenses go into action...they know you want to sell them something and they are ready with a great big fat NO. NO. NO.

But, if you project (because you FEEL it) a don't care attitude, if you are offering them an opportunity which will benefit them...and they are free to take it or leave it...because one of their competitors will take advantage of it...

It puts you on a superior non-verbal level, one which they don't even know aobut or are aware of...because it is in the Click Whirr aspect of their subconscious...

Cialdini used Turkey chicks, and played sounds...and he elicited a reaction, a primal, deeply hard wired reaction from his stimulus...

this is a great illustration of Click Whirr in action.

When you have an attitude of NO DEFEAT/NO can you fail when you are simply helping people?

How can you lose when you have the prospect's best interest in mind?

Send Dien Rice 10 bux and get a copy of the Prospect as Product, even if you've read it before, it will have new meaning to you...because when you see the Prospect as your Product, then you automatically assume the correct attitude, and your posture...

your walk, the way you talk...

all the non-verbal ways of communicating with the prospect all congruent...there is NO division...

NO conflict. No stench of having to make a sale.

There is relaxed communication...there is mutual benefit...

There are more sales being made...and you become a more efficient salesperson.

OR copywriter.

The problem with Salesmanship in Print, is you can't get immediate reaction, instant have to KNOW YOUR TARGET...

know and understand human behavior...which these 28 copywriting cubs were clueless about...

and try to anticipate objections and copywriting is much is any REMOTE attempt at influence.

But, if you carry the right attitude into it...

What this writing is about is


Not me. Not my product. Not my service.

This writing is about YOU and how, in some way, your life is going to be easier, better, help you keep your money, overcome your pain and problems and AFTER the transaction is made...

YOU will be a happier, healthier, wealthier or just better off person than before you made this transsction.

The machinations, the process, the story itself is irrelevant to the reader...the RESULTS are what they want and keep reading for...

the focus should remain on THEM...too many copy cubs try to be cute with words, attempt blatant persuasion methods which are automatically met with an whirr reaction of HYPE, LIES AND BS.

And they leave the sales message...because...


with your shoddy attempts at persusaion because your guru copy chief told you to use big red bold letters...or something like that.

Copywriting, like face-to-face selling is best accomplished at the non verbal communication level, which few understand.

NOW, I'm giving you a FREE mini course on these things, something that would take me three months and cost you a lot of money to learn...

and as it has been noted over the years, no good deed goes unpunished, nor is FREE very valued. I've learned the lessons on that the hard way.

But, I do have 52 years of tested and proven knowledge and I dare say, you'll find few if any people at any level who have studied the persuasive arts and sciences across a more broad platform than I have.

Tens of thousands of dollars of workshops, seminars, in-services...

and pulling from 15 years of social work, from sports (golf in particular) and from businesses...and work...

this isn't theory.

Once YOU have an understanding of non verbal communication...and see it for yourself on an everyday level...and you make a conscious effort to put it to use...

To USE what you know.

To APPLY what you have learned...for mutual benefit.

For a purpose OTHER than making money...with the good for the prospect the first concept...not the second or last one...

then you will see RESULTS.

And that is what 52 years of study and research have been about...RESULTS.

Be if from Erickson's hypnosis. Cialdini's Influence. Elmers salesmanship. NLP. Non-verbal communication. Seduction.
Religion. Cults. Group dynamics. Adolph Hitler. Mother Teresa.

From the mystics, magicians and masters...I have been a student...with the one goal...

getting RESULTS.

It is, of course, IMPOSSIBLE to give you a complete summary of the 52 years...but, I offer up some highlights for I move on to NEXT...

there is enough here and in the archives...stuff which is useable, doable, tested and proven in the real give you, at the very least, food for thought...or if taken to the real world...

applicable techniques and methods which you can use...

Now, I'm working on my screenplays, a short story or two...some comedy material (who doesn't love to laugh)...

and trying to incorporate what I've learned these past 52 years...

into my NEXT adventures.

So, open for a short while for discussion, feedback, opposing views...and then you won't have Gordon to kick around anymore (FOR you older guys who remember Richard Nixon's exit speech when losing the Governor of CA race...hopefully, I WON'T reemerge on the scene as a Trick Dick PRESIDENT...HA

sO, fire away...while you can.


Last edited by GordonJ : January 24, 2012 at 02:24 PM.
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