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Old January 27, 2012, 01:28 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default It is just my personal theory...not logical at all, but...

...and I wrote about this in Prospect as Product.

Most (and of course, there are many exceptions) of the logical, and skeptical people I've met, and I should say that by nature and training I bring a lot of skepticism to the table, which helps me be an excellent ANALYST for many, but not all projects...

Gary Halbert would be so proud of my Sh*t Wealsingly here...

But, most cut from the cloth of logic...can't get their EGO out of the way.

It is one thing to analyze a project, or a product and another thing to market or sell it.

When I analyzed and evaluated SGS for Ben Suarez, the SGS is a sales generation system, think product...

I literally sifted through hundreds of products and I spoke to over 50 inventors and/or creators on the phone and my first question was...who is the market, or who wants or needs this product?

The across the board answer was...EVERYONE. FAIL!!! Right from the get go.

These inventors, most were very logical in coming up with their products...were unable to accept the fact they had fallen in love with their idea...without REAL and LOGICAL information to back up their assertions.

And, I could spend a lifetime trying to pound it into someone's head...that logic is the last thing you want to appeal to (although there are those technical products etc, which logic HELPS close the sale...)

It iis all about EMOTION. And not your emotion, THEIRS.

What is the perfect product?


And why don't logical people focus on the them...cause along with their big brains, their smarts, their LOGIC...comes a corresponding big ego.

Probably NOT you the readers, I'm talking about the other guy...just so you know...

I've spent 12 years just on SowPub hammering away at the EMOTIONAL aspect of selling...or marketing...

I personally, would rather work with someone of average intelligence, with many exceptions there too, than to work with a SMART person...cause they come up with all the reasons why it won't work.

I sat next to a guy at the Walsh Seminar, I call him Sorry Dave...and right after Ben Suarez stood on the stage and recruited me...Dave told me he was going through the book, (7 Steps to Freedom II) with a fine tooth comb to figure out why it wouldn't work. True story.

At the time Dave had a small printing business, and 30,000 dollars worth of printing equipment, and he couldn't bring himself to create information products because he just knew it wouldn't work.

Dave went bankrupt, had to sell his equipment...and he was one of the most LOGICAL people I've ever met.
For peoplel who continue to be frustrated...

my take is... write your promotion for the product first a test to see if anyone is interested BEFORE you create and/or acquire a product to promote....make sure there is a market with the money to buy it...
and then...

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THE EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS in your promotion, and throw in some logic too, and you'll end your frustration...and also,

get your big AZZ ego out of your own ain't that important...especially to those people who would become customers...

Bozo is right about the liking and getting them to draw their own have a friend, be a friend is the old saw.

52 years of study and tens of thousands of dollars spent, a lifetime of learning spent on learning sales and persuasion...and I've concluded...

LOGIC is the least effective motivator there is...get rid of it as soon as you can...

Get inside THEIR heads, and see the world from their totally illogical view, which is what the SQ1 has taught for the last 12 years online.

Gordon Jay Alexander

Last edited by GordonJ : January 27, 2012 at 01:46 PM.
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