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Old August 31, 2012, 10:43 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Does anyone have experience with helping local biz's with their online marketing?


I have done it a few times and personally don't find it mixes well with my personality. I really don't enjoy continued pestering to do small things on the site, and ongoing maintenance isn't always my strong suite.

If it interests you, I would say go for it. There's only one way to find out. If you're a good salesman you should consider using something as a loss leader and then coming in with a series of backend products.

My latest venture was BobRoss's giant mailers which are cool and could be used as a loss leader. I found them to be a lot of work for the money I pulled in and time invested but other people were more successful with them. With more tweaking they could be an even better project.

One point Kyle Tully said was that you shouldn't go after the big projects at first, you should start with something simple such as fixing their On Page SEO for a set price, next their Google Places and so on. This is probably where I went wrong with the concept.

Good luck and happy earning,

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