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Old October 3, 2012, 11:12 AM
Skip Rosell
Posts: n/a
Default Re: My Jaw Just Dropped at 4:00 in the morning

Hi Cornell,

Thank you for catching the mistake I made on Youtube. I have now set the videos to unlisted but it will take a while for youtube to unlist them. My bad.

I have a check list for most of what I do just to make sure I don't make stupid mistakes like this one. But I was in a rush and didn't check my check list.

Best of success,

Skip Rosell

Originally Posted by Cornell View Post
Hey Skip:

Got your product.

Read through it...concise....good content....good opportunity to make money...a few spelling mistakes - not many....and then I followed your links...and Whamo.

I am presuming you are putting these videos on youtube for 2 reasons....

1. free bandwidth...and...
2. for exposure.

But what I found was you almost giving away the basis of your product...and anybody that has any experience in internet marketing...even limited...can figure it out.

If I had done a search on youtube and found the 7 videos you have there I would not have had to buy your product.

Can I suggest putting them on your site and have the purchasers of your product download them in a zip file from that can put a link to them on your thank you page.

Don't know what program you used to create them...but if it was Camtasia you can turn them into a shareable format in .wmv format so they aren't very big....then you just zip up the files in folders for each video....all the user has to do is double click the html page for each and it loads in their browser.

I listened and watched all of them and while you haven't given away the farm, there is an awful lot of info there (some shown that is quite readable, and quite a bit in you talking about it) that in my opinion shouldn't be open to public scrutiny to protect the integrity of the product and sales of it.

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