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Old October 6, 2012, 01:00 PM
Skip Rosell
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Easy Membership Profits---I'M DONE

Hi Rick,

Thank you for your insights.

You can twist and turn this membership model many ways. In fact I mention in the report that you can charge a lot more in certain niches and with great content.

For this report I went the low ball way with a suggested fee of $5 per month. I did that because it makes for a simple and easy way to start a membership. By using links from other sites there is not a lot of writing or content that you have to produce.

But I can see where you could use this model for advertising if you have an area where the information is very valuable. I know of membership sites that demand a thousand dollars a month and they get it. But those kind of sites require a lot more work then the low-ball sites I suggest.

Like you say if you want to work then this is easy, if you do not want to work then it is not easy.

All good suggestions you have made and I hope some people get moved enough to start and profit from whatever kind of membership sites they choose.

Best of success,

Skip Rosell

Originally Posted by RickC View Post
I'm guessing that there are two types of membership sites: One that offers continued and updated content that can offer, not only information, but also offers some perks for being a member of the site. Or a site that can offer a way to view information through links provided through research by the membership owner.

I like either way, and it is a determination by the person deciding.

Membership sites, to me, are, or should be, a real deal. If someone pays you each month for something, then it not only should be content, but some real deal offers from advertisers benefiting from the site. If I look forward to what you have to say and I KNOW you are for real, then the ads on the site come from someone I trust and invest in (NOT too many ads!, maybe two). That means something to me. I'm invested in it.

Not saying that Skip's method isn't good, by any means. It is the cost per month. I would pay $5.00 per month for links to information I would like to know about. Then again, I would pay $25.00 to $40.00 for something with great monthly content. Not only that, but with great content comes advertisers that SHOULD offer some awesome deals if that membership site is related, even remotely, to their business.

I'm making it sound easy. It is if you want to work at it. It is not if you want easy money without any effort/work.

Also, I realize Skip's method may have nothing to do with advertisement. And that is fine. Having links to information is great, having content with related great deal ads is another way.

Content is key. GOOD and relevant content. The day will soon come where junk videos will not make it on Youtube. But how do you determine that? Another day, another subject! Perhaps by 2015.
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