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Old December 30, 2014, 07:03 PM
Don Alm
Posts: n/a
Default My 2 Main Resolutions for 2015

1) I've already mentioned (in a previous thread) that I WILL get bizneses to PAY little ol' me......a "handsome Monthly Fee" for bringing them "Lead Calls"!

ALL biznesses want TWO things;
MORE LEADS and MORE PROFITS I mentioned in a previous thread.....I have a way to get "Potential Clients/Customers/Patients" to PAY little ol' ME a nice Monthly Residual WITHOUT me having to do much "work" However......for me to undertake this......I WILL NEED the help of what's known as a "Virtual Assistant" (VA)

2) So.....2 weeks ago (Dec, 15. 2014), my wifee's PC has a problem SO......I bring her laptop down to my local PC Guy. But......the BOSS is not in and the guy who meets us at the door is a tall, young man, who asks what we want and, proceeds to set us down and look at our "problem".

Well.....we get the laptop "hooked up" wifee proceeds to tell (his name is AJ) AJ......what the problem is.....and squinting to see what's on the screen.

AJ comes up with some solutions and proceeds to make my wifees Laptop... RUN LIKE NEW!.....AND....tells us why and how and what we should be aware of!

So.....because I'm a "Professional Observer"......I ask AJ.....why is he putting his face so NEAR to the PC Screen!

He tells me......his youngest son grabbed his glasses the other day and stepped on them and......he doesn't have the money to buy another pair!

So.....with my "interrogation-technigues" (ya right) I found that AJ was a "Digi-Techno-Wiz" at a big, local PC biz and the biz decided to Pull Out of our Town. But....AJ loves this town and area and chose to stay.

So......he got a "J.O.B." with my "Computer Guy" so he could stay in the area.

So.... what does an "Idea Guy" like ME......looking for a "VA" (Virtual Assistant) who can handle my "Stuff" (aka as Out-Sourcing)....where I don't have to go to "the Philippines"?......Hey! Why not consider a local "Digi-Whiz"?

And.......why not do 2 things for my "VA find"!

1) Buy him TWO new sets of Glasses (in case one gets broken)
2) Offer him a way to make some "serious" money by doing my "Out-Sourcing" stuff

So......on Cristmas Eve......I presented AJ with a "Certificate" good for an Eye Exam and TWO sets of glasses ( I admit that 1 of my clients is an "Eye Doctor" who I've brought LOTS of biz to and......agreed to do the Exam And Glasses....for Freebies) we head into the New Year (2015)......think about WHO YOU can help.....with your expertise or........just to "ENCOURAGE"....!

Don Alm......looking forward to the New Year and all the new challenges

Last edited by Don Alm : December 30, 2014 at 07:47 PM.
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