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Old January 12, 2015, 04:06 PM
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Default Re: My 2 Main Resolutions for 2015

Originally Posted by Don Alm View Post
There's a guy named Gene Pimental who sells "ready-made" websites (Rapid Pro Sites) (I have all 24)

What's really cool about these sites is;
Each one has a "video commercial" with a pretty girl asking viewers to get a copy of a Free Report about the "7 things to know about......" (viewers click in and we capture their email addy) .....and......the thing that turns prospects into clients the bottom of the home page is a square with 4 Thumbnails. Each Thumbnail represents 1 of 4 prospects chosen at random in the same niche.

Then, when these 4 are contacted they are told that.....ONLY ONE can have that spot.....the FIRST ONE who pays for it!

Talk about appealing to "Ego" and the "competitive nature of biz owners". Wow! When any of the 4 realize a competitor can get the spot.....they Leap into action.


Don Alm.......Happy New Year

Hi.. Don, I would be very interested in Genes websites but I am in the Uk and some of the terminology is geared towards the US market.. Darn! it would be great to implement over here.. and one which he has not got, and what would make a great income generator is a funeral home website.. 7 things you should know would work great..


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