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Old April 4, 2015, 10:45 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Making and Selling your own Cold Brewed Coffee

I think I love coffee as much as the next guy. However, there is a new trend in town that I hadn't heard of before!

This trend is cold brewed coffee.

Cold brewed coffee is just like it sounds. It's coffee made by steeping coffee grounds in cold water for quite a long time, usually from 12 to 24 hours. It has a different taste from hot brewed coffee, as different compounds are released from the coffee beans.

There's a woman in North Carolina who's been making her own cold brewed coffee. As well as brewing it, she also hand bottles it and makes the labels by hand too.

She sells her bottles of cold brewed coffee at the local Whole Foods store, as well as through various independent stores in the region.

I haven't seen cold brewed coffee in my area. Maybe there's a gap in the market in your area too?

This is a full time business or side business that anybody could do, either part-time, or full-time.

As well as selling through local stores, it's also product you can sell at local markets.

If you want to find out more about this business, or more about how to cold brew your own coffee, check out the following links...

Slingshot Coffee Company: One-woman business energizes Raleigh

DIY: Cold Brew Coffee

How to cold-brew coffee at home

Best wishes,

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