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Old April 14, 2015, 08:22 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default You're probably right - distribution is probably the key to success here...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Distribution is always a sticking point in these types of businesses.

Gordon Any ideas on how to set up distributors?
Hi Gordon,

You're probably right, distribution is probably the hardest part of this kind of business...

But is it still doable?

I got the impression from the article that the lady making the cold-brewed coffee organizes her own distribution to various stores in her region.

Here's another example...

I know some people local to me who run a 100% organic dairy farm. This means their cows graze on grass without pesticides, and they don't pump their cows full of hormones or antibiotics. They have some "boutique" products they make from the milk, like their own organic yogurt.

I know that they distribute these products themselves to various stores around town.

In this case, it's a family business, and various family members take on different tasks in running the farm. So they just do it themselves...!

Is it the most efficient way? Probably not! But... it's one way.

Best wishes!

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