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Old June 11, 2015, 02:03 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: Put yourself around successful people and learn...

Originally Posted by MichaelWinicki View Post
Certainly it makes sense to hang around the successful in order to be able to "model" their success but I'm oft reminded of what Dan Kennedy says about hanging out with the successful is that you find out that they aren't any smarter than you are and many times they're less so, but they've managed to find one area (usually one small area) they've managed to make money in and then they simply repeat the process over and over and over again.

The point being that one shouldn't be intimidated by someone else's success because many times those folks are not superior to you.
Hi Michael,

That's really good advice!

I think I'm generally not too intimidated by people... But I know some people who are, and it holds them back. They can never bring themselves to ask anyone advice, and they seem too intimidated to "hang out" with people more successful than they are, even when they have the opportunity, and they avoid those people instead... I try to welcome such opportunities (and try to overcome any intimidation I feel), because I often find I learn something...!

I find the more "successful" people you know, and the better you get to know them, the less intimidated you are. They are human beings like you and me, and they all also have their flaws, just like everybody on earth...

Thanks Michael!

Best wishes,

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