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Old June 11, 2015, 09:51 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Re: Outsourcing... Any experiences?

Originally Posted by trevord92 View Post
Not used a VA, sorry.

I've used iWriter for articles - be very specific about what you want. The basic level writers usually need a bit of editing but their quality seems to improve as the article gets longer (because they only get paid if you approve).

Transcription: Fiverr. A couple of years back it cost me $5 per 15 minutes.

Some graphics: Fiverr but it can be hit & miss so I also use Freelancer. Again, be specific. For instance I'll spell out that 3 different designs doesn't mean the same design in 3 different colours. I've had most success on graphics on Freelander with Eastern Europeans.

Simple bug fixes on websites: Fiverr. Including fixing scripts, scary htaccess stuff and more.

Programming can be hit and miss on Freelancer and you have to know what you're talking about otherwise they can try to pull the wool over your eyes. Same goes for website design.

I had a database tuned up on Freelancer and the guy was really good (a Russian living in New Zealand).

PeoplePerHour I've recently had some success with on a website redesign. As with Freelancer, take the time to read the reviews (not just the star ratings) and talk with two or three that you shortlist before awarding the project.
Thanks Trevor,

That's great advice!

While I haven't hired programmers myself (yet), one of my brothers has... I know he had "hit and miss" experiences too.

In his experience, he found some of the programmers he hired from Eastern Europe wrote what they call "spaghetti code"... Which means it works, but it's a nightmare for another programmer to come in later to try to fix it, because it's a nightmare trying to figure out what's going on!

On the other hand, for another project he hired a (much more expensive) American programmer, and the code was well-commented, well-structured, etc. You might not notice the difference at first, but if someone has to go in later to modify it or fix it, that's when you'll notice the difference!

Fantastic advice... I'm going to have to "jump in" further and do a lot more outsourcing (since it also expands what you're capable of as an entrepreneur)...!

Best wishes,

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