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Old May 8, 2016, 09:56 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default The sports car...

Originally Posted by ascendedmind View Post
Dien, what other concepts has Harvey Brody shared with you?

Are you free to share? Does he have a 5th & 6th gear concept?

In the Harvey Brody's Answers to a Question Oriented Person Report, he alluded to other more advance concepts.

Dien, hopefully, will chime in.

My is like sitting in a sports car, with 5 or 6 speeds. And watching the new driver, who has never driven stick before,

try to go from 1st gear to 5th.

Thank goodness my brother was a transmission mechanic.

I've spoken with scores of people who want to learn the advanced concepts...and they have never even attempted the foundational building blocks stuff.

They want to get into a higher gear,
they want an automatic transmission
for their race...

Yes, today Harvey is doing things which are sensational, and make his old stuff obsolete...way too advanced for most people. It is why they are "advanced" concepts.

Dien?? Your take?

Gordon Jay

PS. Here is one example. I'll use golf. Back in the 80s and early 90s I had a lot of golf students. I proved then, and could today, that 90% of all golfers have no business learning the PGA model golf swing...yet 95% of instruction is exactly that model.

I created the "J" swing, which was modified from a combo of Lee Trevino and MOE Norman. The club path made a J shape from overhead.

OK, what would a fifth gear concept look like?

1st gear is me teaching the student one to one.
2nd gear is me teaching several students at once. (Group lesson)
3rd gear would be creating products to and video.
4th gear would be creating a brand which could be licensed or resold.
5th gear and 6th gear would be something like this:

I created a CERTIFICATION program, which required a renewable license.

I teach others how to teach the J Swing, only AUTHORIZED instructors could teach it. They would attend a yearly recertification program, and then be authorized to sell the J-Swing line of exclusive products.

The certification would include a Marketing Program which could show the Golf Instructors how to set up their own 6 figure golf training program...and this would keep them coming back year after year.

But, I couldn't go to 5th and 6th gear if I didn't have the first 4 mastered. Although people do try to skip steps, it mostly does not end well for them.

IF you can see and understand how the leverage comes into play with each at the top speed, one is doing far less work and making far more money than at the lower gear speeds...

then you may grasp what an "advanced concept" looks like.

Last edited by GordonJ : May 8, 2016 at 11:17 AM.
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