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Old May 8, 2016, 11:38 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: Dien, what other concepts has Harvey Brody shared with you?

Originally Posted by ascendedmind View Post
Dien, what other concepts has Harvey Brody shared with you?

Are you free to share? Does he have a 5th & 6th gear concept?

In the Harvey Brody's Answers to a Question Oriented Person Report, he alluded to other more advance concepts.

The fundamental problem is, how do you create a money-making operation, with low risk, and a high chance of success?

Harvey Brody figured out that the key is toll positions.

But it's not just about having a single toll position. It's about building multiple toll positions. The more, the better.

Harvey owns multiple toll positions. Your first toll position is just the first step.

From your first toll position, you can get a second one. And so on.

There are details within these...

The more toll positions you have, the better a position you are in.

There are plenty more things...

Harvey doesn't always teach in a way such that it's "Step 1" then "Step 2", etc.

Sometimes he teaches by giving you examples. Something like... Have a look at this letter I wrote to XYZ company, and here's how they replied...

After many of those, you start to realize some of the lessons within those letters. You start to see the patterns. But it wasn't handed to you on a silver platter... You had to figure it out yourself from the examples!

I have a large document where I have written down all my various insights from what Harvey has taught me. I refer to it often!

One of the biggest lessons for me was... No man is an island. (No woman is an island either.)

I had this ideal of "doing it all by myself." Harvey corrected me... Nobody can do it by yourself.

You have to deal with other people. That's where all the opportunities come. They can be your suppliers, your buyers, your distributors, your partners, etc.

I don't try to do it all by "myself" any more...

One project I am working on is with three other people. There's a "synergy" between these three other people. There is a huge value in bringing their separate and very different toll positions together. But I'm the one who brought them all together, so that this potential could be realized... (And I made sure I have a toll position in this partnership too, so when success comes, I will also share in the benefits, and it is difficult to exclude me...)

Best wishes,

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