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Old November 18, 2016, 08:47 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Bomb shelters, bullets and bagels. A guide to surviving the Trump Presidency.

Originally Posted by ron lafuddy View Post
It's easy to see the storm coming, isn't it Dien?

It's going to hit hard and hit deep.

It's going to be bloody, too.

Lurking in the dark are those "cans kicked down the road", discussed in earlier threads. They are coming due.

The price will be high under President Trump.

The price would have been higher under President Clinton, who was determined to push us into war with Russia.

I can survive and thrive in just about any economic environment, but if nuclear bombs are falling at the same time, all bets are off.


Actual title of the next episode of Fly Low Collect the Dough UPDATE HOTLINE.

It is the dirty bomb, maybe accomplished via a "bombing" of software and nuclear power plants, consider Fukushima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island.

I'd avoid New Mexico, storage central of waste. But, more likely is a domestic attack, and even a greater threat, expanded gang warfare.

Opinion: a safe room in your home is a good idea, if you can defend it.

Basement bomb shelters as a Biz-Op? Why not? Retreats? (Most survivalists and a few preppers already have them, wrote about these circa 1999 for the Y2K panic).

In the next four years, you can't have too many bullets, a reloader might come in handy. And bagels represent the food, and food prices will soar, maybe double.

Wall Street is prepping for inflation, add to scarcity, fear...what an opportune time to make your moolah, eh? But, then, it has been like this, for, what, 50 years? Or longer?

Anyhow, more in the newsletter on Tuesday.


PS. TWO things you must have ready, AIR and WATER. The perfect retreat would have all the elements of a nuclear submarine deployed for a couple of months running silent and running deep. How do they do it? OH, yea, I know!!
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