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Old January 24, 2017, 03:09 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Control The Moolah - A Story from my New *Flirt & Grow Richer* Book

Thanks Tom,

"How James Uses LOTTO TICKET Flirting to Create Leads
For His Home Based Business."

While helping a Coaching Client Close Sales for a Real Estate
Business Opportunity - we got Referred to James.

James works construction - ALL NIGHT.

Hates it.

But has a tiny side business - Drywall Repair.

But he only had 7 home owner clients.

***We Gave James a POP QUIZ.

"Please go out and Flirt with a Waitress or cashier and say, Thank you for
helping me today. SMILE. And give her an Instant Scratch Off LOTTO Ticket."

"Then email me about what happens."

James Passed The QUIZ!

He reported that After he gave LOTTO Tickets to the cashier at the
convenience store where he gets gas every day...

The lady Cashier start SMILING and Laughing. And even gave him a F-r-e-e Donut.

James then told me he DISLIKED working for others.

Wants a Stream of Income.

Wanted to work from home.

So We Put Our Heads Together and
Created a Referral System based on Flirting and Lotto Tickets.

Let's Call it -

"James' LOTTO Ticket
Referral System"

Here are the 3 parts of the "Lotto Flirt Bunny Making Referral System" we
helped James Create and Flirt Test.

PART I - Every Day James Gets a Handful of 1.00 Instant Scratch Off LOTTO
Tickets. And Thank Rewards his waitress, Gas Station Attendant, BarMaid, Cashier or Fast food Drive Thru Person.

PART II - James Showed Each Person What he Does. Before and After
holes in the walls of homes. Photos of his finished Repair work.

(EDITORS NOTE - Within 48 hrs - the "donut lady" had referred him
3 prospects. 1 didn't order. Job #2 he fixed a hole left by a plumber. Job #3 - He repair a hole where 2 boys rammed their heads thru the wall. These 2 jobs grossed a bit over 800 bucks.)

PART III - So Next We Got James to Create an 8 by 10 Page. So he can
GIVE A Flyer Away to all the women he LOTTO TIPS.

Side A - Before and After Wall Repair photos

Side B - Headline - "Proof I'm Not a Crook" - and a list of his past home owner
clients and their phone #'s - so prospects could call and check.


Wherever James went he Flirt Tips Waitresses and Barmaids and Cashiers
who SEE, Talk to and Can Find Home owners with HOLES in their Walls.

Worked Good until James Hurt his ankle.

Lost his construction job - until he heals up. Can walk without a cane.

And was Forced to Sell each Sheet Rock Repair job to his
Uncle or Do-It-Yourselfer.


JAMES reported that one of the guys he s*old a 1700.00 Repair job to
for 200.00 - Mucked it up. And James had to go redo all the work.

We asked a few questions:

A - The Positive side of your injury is you are Forced to work on your
Home Business. And Get Others to do the work, right?

(James admitted that was true.)

B - Why didn't you send the guy back to Fix his Patch Job?

(James said the Guy who paid him 200.00 already had the 1700.00 and
wouldn't come back and fix his shoddy work.)

C - We asked, "What if YOU CONTROL the 1700.00 bucks? Just Suppose
You Tell the home owner to PAY YOU and You will make sure the work gets
done? What do you think of that idea?

THE LATEST News From James...

I - He is sending Lotto ticket Thank you notes to the 2 people
he met in Church - who are referring him Repair job - after repair job.

II - James now CONTROLS the moolah for each project.

III - And in a very short time the size of his Home Repair projects has

James tells me he has gotten referred to some folks who host PARTIES. And
each party creates HOLES in the walls of their houses.

So he is getting Repeat work from more affluent Home Owners
who seem to be hosting Pretty Wild Parties. If holes get knocked in the walls
that party is Wilder than Any I've attended.

Perhaps CONTROL is the Secret to James Success.

a - He Controls the LOTTO tip leads and referrals.

b - He Controls the munny.

c - He Controls and takes Responsibility for all the work done by people
He hires. Thus he Also Controls The COMMUNICATION with home owners.

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