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Old January 26, 2017, 03:39 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,264
Default ***KING Of Las Vegas*** - Flirt Tip Testimonial

Thanks Tom,

Just Suppose you looked at a few dozen FLIRT TIPPING Testimonials
and Stories - all in one place.

Like in a book.

Do You Know what a Rorschach Test is?

You show folks ink blots and they TELL you what each one reminds them of.


We've been Collecting FLIRT TIPPING TESTIMONIALS for years. And it's
clear to me that each Testimonial can tell you Quite a bit about the writer.

For Example:

Will--from-Las Vegas LOVES ATTENTION.

Will Told me that When he walks into a room full of people he WANTS
ATTENTION. He ENJOYS having everyone look at him.

And that is what Will LIKES BEST about FLIRT TIPPING.

His Goal is POSITIVE Energy and Grabbing ATTENTION.

Check out his FLIRT TIPPING Results -

Dear Glenn,

Today I did another test.

I took my wife's sister out for her birthday. I don't
really like her… to tell you the truth… I think she's
a @*#%&!…



This looked like the perfect time to test out the tip
technique. 5 of us sat down (my wife, me, her sister,
our brother-in-law, and their 18 year old daughter).

As everyone went to the buffet, my wife asked the
waitress to bring us a birthday cake later for her
sister. The restaurant was busy… the waitress was
carrying tons of dishes… she gave my wife this leer…
this loooong "why are you asking me this sh*t" LEER…

"Sure thing" came out of the waitress's mouth.

I told my wife to go get her food… "I will handle

When the waitress came back with our drinks… I reached
into my pants pocket… the front one that sometimes the
inner pocket folds and you can't get any damn thing
out of it… and I gave her one-dollar.

She looks at me funny.

Shakes her head back and forth… then walks on.
Now we all are sitting at the table. A large one…
with other tables right up next to us… you have to be
careful when you get up or you would bump into someone
while they are eating.

The waitress comes to get an empty plate… I give her
one-dollar. She now looks at me in my eyes… then
walks on.

The waitress returns… pours drinks for the table… I
give her one-dollar. She starts the giggle… a huge
smile comes up on her face… then walks on.

Now a new waitress walks by… she pours us more drinks.

I give her one-dollar. She starts to giggle… then
she walks on.

Another waitress comes by… pours our drinks… I give
out the old trusty dollar… she starts to giggle… then
she walks on.

Now… we can't take more than two swallows before a
waitress is pouring us drinks… I'm still handing out
the good old dollar.

I look around our table… looking at the other tables.
Glasses waiting for someone to fill them… like being
lost out in the desert… glasses that just sit there…
waiting for a waitress…

"Do you need another drink?" Sure… and I give out
another dollar. As I watch her pass up the other

Soon the 18 year old daughter looks at me and asks…
"why don't you give me a tip?" Then her mother, my
wife's sister says "you have already given out 4
dollars… are you rich or something?"

I tell her "I'm just testing an idea"… then our
glasses are filled once again…

Her birthday cake came with every waitress (6 in all)
singing happy birthday. All service stopped in the
place. Everyone was looking at our table while we

They all (the waitresses) looked at me and started
giggling. I smiled back…

As we got up to leave… all the waitresses formed a
line to say goodbye. I've been coming to this
restaurant for one year now… I've never seen that!

My sister in law tells me it's the best time she every
had at a restaurant here in Las Vegas… everyone in
Vegas is so jaded.

Everyone looks at me like I'm a KING…

King Will… King of Las Vegas…

Now listen to this…

All I spent tipping was… SEVEN DOLLARS!!!!!

Seven dollars to be the King of Las Vegas.

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