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Old January 27, 2017, 04:31 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Default Realtor Uses Flirt Tipping to Get A Pretty Cashiers Ph #

Thanks Tom,

As You Know, as Small Biz Owners, us little guys can't afford to have our
marketing or advertising FAIL.

So Testing in niches is vital.

And Testing Fast and Free is key.

In the same way, ***Flirt Tipping To Make Money*** only Helps you find
good prospects IF YOU Flirt Tip in the Right Location.

An Example:

Got a Coaching client we helped Make a Fast Start with 41,000.00 Gross Sales
in a Business Opportunity. He is looking for Prospects who will order a 2000.00
Educational Product.

Greg has reached a Point in His Flirt Tipping where he is Consistently
getting Rapport with Waitresses and Clerks and Cashiers where he shops.

But Although Greg is successful in:

Fast Food Restaurants,

Smoothie Stores,

Sandwich Shops.

He is not yet spending TIME in LOCATIONS where affluent Prospects
hang out.

Vegetarian Restaurants - with a parking lot full of BMW, SUV, Mercedes

Nordstrom Department Stores

UpScale Dog Apparel and Home Made Treat Shops

DIRECTIONS for Flirt-Tipping-for-Profit

Step I - Buy 25 - 1.00 Instant Scratch off LOTTO TICKETS

Step II - Take a Shower, Shave and Wear Clean Duds.

Step III - Watch what other Restaurant Patrons are wearing and Imitate that.

Step IV - Order a Cup of Soup. Or Chili. Or Onion Rings - something cheap.

Step V - Spend the 25 LOTTO Tickets on your waitress and her
Co-Horts. They won't care if your order is 7 bucks if you are ENTERTAINING
them with LOTTO tickets all thru the meal.

Flirt tip like crazy. Publicly.

In front of affluent patrons.

Step VI - Come Back and do it again. ASK your fellow Diners - in line. Or while waiting for a table.

"Beautiful Lamborgini outside - where do you get it detailed?"

Step VII - Wait until they ASK about you. Then you pull out your "GREED PAGE"
Of house Flipping Deals we put together. Affluent folks like to keep their money
moving. Invested.

You WILL Find Investors and Deals.

Here Is How We Know Greg Is READY
for Richer --Flirt Tip-- Locations.

How a Young Realtor
LOTTO Flirt Tips
To Get Ph#'s and Dates
With Pretty Women

My Outline of Greg's Flirt Tip Tale.

Beautiful Latino Gas Station Clerk.

Lotto ticket #1 - And Greg says, "What will you do when you WIN?"

Day Two - LOTTO Ticket and he asks, "What are you going to BUY First If You WIN?

Day Three - LOTTO Ticket and says, "Where are you going to spend all your WINNINGS?

Greg says Eve tells him she has a son.

She is 26 yrs Old.


Bad Boyfriend she just dumped - He wanted her to dance at a Strip Club.

Greg Finds out Eve Likes to Rock Climb.


Soon Eve is touching Greg on the arm.

Shortly after the arm touches.

Eve gives him her phone #.

It took Greg Five Visits and 5 LOTTO Tickets to Create Deep
trust btwn himself and Eve so she felt comfy enough to share her home
phone # and ASK him to call her.

Which is a Miracle - Considering the way Eve has been treated by
other men in her life.

Greg can now use his TRUST BUILDING Skills to attract clients.

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