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Old January 28, 2017, 04:03 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default How Joel Flirt Tips At Country Clubs to Land Physical Therapy Clients

Thanks Tom,

What we do, in a way, could be called "Mastermind Consulting."

a - A prospect gets Referred to us

b - Shares their situation

c - I tell them a couple Case Studies from my Millionaire Interview archives
that their problem triggers.

d - We Mastermind some ways to Customize or adapt the ideas
to fit Them.

e - Then they go off and Take Action.

f - OFTEN improving on or coming up with a completely New Strategy.

Like Joel Did Below -

Thank you Joel for sharing your Success Story.

When we 1st Met by phone - Joel had just moved to Florida and needed new clients for his Physical Therapy Business.

He got referred to Me.

I suggested he imitate a Top Psychologist friend who Sells to Limping Golfers.
She waits, in the pharmacy, next to a Hi End Country Club.

SunBunrt, Golfers with blisters and a limp come in for drugs.

She Holds up a Sign,

"Drop 10 to 20 Strokes - Guaranteed."

(She teaches them to Lower their STRESS while golfing and their Golf Score Drops too.)

"GOOD IDEA" Joel says.

He calls me back later to Report:

a - He started hanging out in Golf Course Parking lots, The Hall outside the pro
shop and the lobby of the Country Club.

b - When he finds a Limping Golfer - he goes over and offers

c - Joel reported he got some clients that way.

Joel 6 Months Later he told me This Success Story.

Joel Discovered he could go to The Country Club Dining Room/Restaurant
as a GUEST of his Golfing Clients - without paying the 10K yearly fee.

He LOTTO Tipped his Waitress
to get Great Service.

And - son of a gun - When friends of the client he is Sitting with come over to
chat WHILE JOEL is Handing out LOTTO TICKETS over and over to waiters and waitresses.

They ask, "Who is this? What do YOU Do young man?"

His Physical Therapy Client ENDORSES Him Enthusiastically
and Joel makes Appointments each time he is a Guest at Two Different country

I Congratulated him.

Very Innovative LOTTO TICKET Strategy!
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