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Old March 2, 2017, 02:23 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Work... Work?!

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Yes it is. But work is a good word. NOT a nasty one like "Job" (for some).

Only those born with silver spoons get to enjoy the fruit of someone's labor and not their own.

Chatteling or flipping is NO different than any business endeavor, as far as doing something (making transactions) in exchange for value...(agreed upon).

But it is easy to understand, requires no brick and mortar location, can be done with a cell phone and a small car and offers rewards commensurate with the effort made.

Here is where most chattlers go wrong: They spend their profits too soon.

In the original Chattel Report, I presented the concept of circulation vs storage.

Too many would be flippers want to hold on to stuff because they think:

it is worth more than X

But a quick turn over, a fast profit and the money kept in rapid circulation is going to beat the wait and hold out guy every day of the week.

Thinking on physics concepts is some of the hardest work there is, and relatively few can do it.

Buying a camera and selling it? Even my 11 year old kid did it.

Even those with great TOLL positions have to WORK, to insure their infrastructure is intact and functioning properly.

Only the idle rich don't work, and they, as a group, are some of the nastiest people on the face of the planet. Born on third base, they act like they hit a triple to get there.

Work. A great concept none of us are afraid of, right?
Gordon... You have it all wrong!

As you know, I belong to the Church of Maynard G. Krebs. Our motto is ... "Work?!"

I bought The Lazy Man's Way to Riches. I took it to heart, and was too lazy to read it.

Ha! Just kidding!

What I like to do is set things up, and have them run in the background... But it is hard to have something run completely independently. You still have to do something...

The best I've found is the Harvey Brody "toll positions" model... You still have to work to keep it chugging along, but the work can be reduced greatly, especially if you have a good toll position!

I do consider it to be the "holy grail" of business...

I'm going to introduce it to the other members of the Maynard G. Krebs Church...

Though I still think they'll find the setting up of a toll position to be too much work...


Best wishes,

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