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Old March 30, 2017, 12:53 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,264
Default "How Did You Get My Email?" is GOOD NEWS. Objection #1

Thanks Leopard, Panther, Cougar,

You Might Perceive "How Did You Get My Email?" as BAD. But this reply is a
GIFT. Most people won't answer.

You could view it as a GOOD First Step to the sale.

"How Did You Get My Email?" - is what we Marketers call an "Objection."

Objections are GOOD because they tell us
our 1st Test MESSAGE is not quite right - yet.

An OBJECTION Says, "Maybe you don't know enough.

Google has now put the front of almost any business or home
into Pictures - on-line.


A - You Might Use the BEN FRANKLIN - "Ask a Favor" method.

Google their house or biz front photo.

And tell them you were walking by and spotted the
________ Flowers in their yard.

ASK, What kind of flowers are next to your front door - so I can bUy some

ONCE you get him talking about flowers.

B - Look him up on Facebook, twitter, pinterest, LinkedIn
and shift the Conversation.


I did this with a top realtor in another state - recently.

I - Emailed to ask about a youtube video they did

II - Asked, "What is your FAVE donut at "Ducks Donuts?
(To prove I knew they lived nearby. It's very FLATTERING when a total
stranger KNOWS you think they are IMPORTANT enough to research
before you contact them.

III - I Mentioned, "There is a leaf in the middle of the camera lens
in your website photo of your business building.

Discovered in their return email.

Their Website biz photo is FAKE.

They work out of their home.


We've been swapping ideas via Email and by phone ever since.


Last edited by Glenn : March 30, 2017 at 12:55 PM. Reason: 1 word wrong
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