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Old April 14, 2017, 09:11 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Part 3.

On the Square One Workshops you have a lifeline. To the right is your future.

The small triangle, the tip of the Pyramid of Accomplishment is placed out to the right at the time you want it to manifest. Take a look at it and using the Automatic Product Vending report as the example, on March 21 I stuck a small triangle on my lifeline for April 10. Below that, is the POA.

At the bottom of the POA is the result I want. Same as the manifestation.

Along the POA and inside of it is TIME. And the 7 exits out of accomplishments. You could think of it as a Pyramid with steps, or a ladder like Harvey’s rooftop. And you could backward chain from the manifestation to the day you start.

So, to answer the email request, Pictogrigms are already there, just plug Harvey’s lingo, metaphors and parables into it and onto YOUR lifeline.

But it goes full circle, back to what do you want? Why? The why is the power, the engine, the fuel to keep you in activity toward your goal until it is manifest. It is the first paragraph in Think And Grow Rich.
When you analyze a potential business or concept, you start at the end, the TRANSACTION.

What does that look like, where does it take place, and you USE the rungs of the ladder or the POA to see what the steps are, where the dogs are hiding, what, when, why and how.

I want to sell snow cones.

The transaction is a customer gives me 4 bux, I hand him a flavored cup of ice.
Where does this take place? County fair, Italian Festival, rodeo, beach.

Probably not in Alaska in the winter. Not in Ohio in the winter, unless indoors.

How is the ice stored? Where do I buy it? Where do the flavors come from? How do I get it? What sources are there? Is one better, more reliable better flavors? If at the county fair, what permits do I need, how much is the space, and where will they put me, the wrong location could kill me and my profits.

Thinking, thinking, thinking…FIRST. It is different than the way most people operate.

They may buy the franchise or distributorship, or get a license, then find out they are under capitalized because their first 3 events got rained out. No contingencies, no safe harbor, and soon selling the business for less than they paid for it. Or grinding it out, barely making it, for years.

Thinking first. Planning first. Having a clear vision. An idea. A well thought out plan.

This may be the A in the A to Z thinking,

Dien, do you have anything to add?

Ask questions if you have them. NOW is the time.


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