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Old April 16, 2017, 06:17 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Here is THE problem.

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther View Post
I speak for myself, but I'm a bit shocked many people aren't jumping in on this thread.

I don't see this as just about Harvey Brody. Indeed, Brody can be seen as a "metaphor" for the "secret" of success:


Success isn't "out there" in some new shiny new formula. It starts with a clear view of where you want to go and BACKWARD-CHAINING to where you are today, finding and closing gaps in one's thinking.

I find this thread very useful. And the good thing about the Internet, this is up for a while so a lot more people will see it and LEARN from it.

Thank you Gordon

As a guy, who for 25 years, asked people what they wanted, and found, to my surprise and chagrin...

too many, way too many...

Don't know.

It has always been this way. For centuries. But in modern times, say from WWII to today, the options and possibilities have exploded far beyond the choices of two generations ago.

There was a time when the craft/skill/experience would stay within a family for generations. Easily find farmers going back 3, 4 or more generations. Now there was a time when a young farmer didn't have that many options, but still, he/she could escape the farm if that is what they WANTED.

Today, just in making a few bux category, there are more ways than one can count.

Practical, logical thinking has NEVER been in the minds of the masses, we are emotional beings, and thinking was reserved for the educated classes for millennia.

See, even having a clear view of where you want to go, and having the rungs thought out, is the first part, climbing the rungs...

well that is the other part. ACTIVITY. And ADJUSTMENT. On the POA, I identified the 7 most common exits on the road to achievement. All the way to the stopping 3 feet from the gold. Quitting on the one yard line.

Whatever metaphor or example works. So, one needs to identify if their thinking is not on track, but they must monitor and be aware of the next exit they could face on their highway.

There are and always will be the small % of success, which has the JUST DO IT approach, and because success came to them that way, they have a tendency to teach, preach and talk along that train of thought.

A macro view across decades, and general populations, shows the just do it crowd is a very small group whereas the Planners/Doer/ADJUSTERS will have quicker, and more sustaining success.

Sometimes a guy just gets lucky, right place/right time...but he can't believe it and tends to give himself too much credit.

Know the chain of activity is going to be broken or detoured, and one of the exits will be taken by (probably) most people.

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