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Old April 27, 2017, 11:07 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default #4 Fly Low and Collect the Dough.

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

4.) Additional fly low type businesses or activities that you may not have mentioned very much on your forum.

First, lets get on the same page. Flying under the radar has different connotations to people, for example:

Some might think in terms of an all cash, underground economy type thing. Like your babysitter, or like Rush Limbaugh's illegal housekeeper who got his opiods for him, those kind of things.

For others, they may infer illegal, or even illicit activity.

So, let me tell you how I came up with my version of fly low and collect the dough, OK?

There was a period of time when I was on TV, in magazines and local newspapers because of my OFFKEY SINGING TELEGRAM Biz. My wife and I went out to eat, and I was recognized. It was a creepy, uncomfortable feeling. As minor as my "celebrity" was, I wanted nothing to do with it. If I had any at all, I'd make Alec Baldwin look like an obedient Teen girl in a Donald Trump pageant.

So, I decided after that, I didn't want to be "recognized" by strangers. I prefer to fly low and collect the dough.

But, for full disclosure here, I was a Harry Browne and Howard Ruff student. And I knew who Colonel Cooper, Kurt Saxon, Bruce Clayton, et al. were. And there is a part of me that once embraced the survivalist thinking, or sorts. But, as a child, I thought, of course, of childish things.

Are we on the same page as far as what FLY LOW means to me? If so, here are links to other type of fly low activities:

For the would be Crime Boss

Under the table anyone?

If you must HIDE from the world:

And from the GJA weird archives.

For two years I was a simulated patient at a nearby medical school, presenting myself and symptoms to would be doctors to do their best HOUSE impression. Paid well. I don't know about plasma centers, other than they are popular with college kids.

Now these were some part time jobs, all paying above average:

A food sampler at grocery stores.
A courier.
A driving instructor.
Golf teacher.
Focus groups. The local mall had plenty of these little jobs, and I did every Suarez focus group I knew about.

The fly low concept is just about making money, not making a lot of noise about making a little money, you want that? Visit the Warrior Forum. Sirens of ez dough yelling at ya.

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