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Old August 4, 2017, 09:25 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default An hour of me is hard to take, even for me...but 30-45 mins, I could do that.

[quote=Bob B;38393]
Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

Really like this idea, Gordon:

Maybe a $1 kindle book on entrepreneurial secrets from the legends on SOWPUB might also "kindle" interest from a fresh market? Include links to resources on SOW? Good idea, maybe I can combine the best of SOWPUB with Nectar of the masters, and mobi that baby, of you could take this on...HINT!

How about having someone interview you (someone who knows something about marketing, etc.) or do a series of interviews for SowPub that could be turned into various products with some editing (audio books, hot sheets, PDF reports) and sold for $10 to $30 each. I'm guessing that the accumulated wisdom of Gordon alone could realistically be converted into a library of hundreds of products the Sowpub audience would love. Yes, that would take some time to build up. But what about doing a 1-hour interview at a time on a specific topic, like direct mail tips every web site could use?

Bob B

I'd be willing to do something like this, be glad answer questions BUT, I don't want to write it, so whomever would either need it transcribed or do the transcription. But talking,

as many of you know,

I CAN do that.

Bob, if you want to do something like this, give me an email with your first idea, and we'll talk and set up an initial "test of concept", fair enough?

Gordon (does he ever shut up?) Alexander
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