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Old August 6, 2017, 12:27 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default A couple info-product business models...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
I pay attention to coincidences. This week, 2 relatively new people asked me about my ten buck reports and if they make any money.

Fair enough. On release, they always pay for themselves. BUT, they also give me the most important part of this sales "formula"...

SATISFACTION, which gives me LIFETIME VALUE into the hundreds of dollars.

And if YOU build a family of products, go up the ladder (25 years before the so-called funnel concept) of INFO products, you could get to the 2 to 5k range with your workshops and seminars.

Ten bux, sort of like Jim Straw's PEANUTS on the bar analogy, hard to stop with just one. I may have 90% repeat buyers from the initial 10 bux they spend with me.

Does this answer that question?
Hi Gordon,

So, as I understand it, you're playing the "long game"...

You certainly have many fans, who are interested in getting anything that you write... (I'm in that category myself!)

So, you don't make money just from the sale of one product... Every new customer could also become a "fan" and also a prospect for your future products...

By the way, there seem to be two "models" here.

One model is you sell to the same customers over and over, with repeat purchases of different products (or through a subscription model, which is sort of similar)... I think this is the "lower risk" model...

The other model is selling the same product to new customers each time. I think this is harder to do, but people do get rich from it. Joe Karbo seemed to follow this model - as far as I know, he essentially had one book, "The Lazy Man's Way to Riches." He just kept finding new buyers... As long as he could spend less money finding each new buyer than he received from each sale, he could keep growing his money...!

Just "riffing" on the subject...

Best wishes,

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