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Old October 15, 2017, 09:56 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Switchword PHRASES for everyday PERSUASION. Law of Attraction.

Switchwords let you and your subconscious mind come together so you can unify or be on the same page working together. One of the biggest blocks people acquire over their years is a DISCONNECT between their subconscious beliefs and their conscious wants.

IN the SECRET or LAW OF ATTRACTION, there is the use of dream boards, and visual aids to help you see what you want, so you know what to attract.

Although there are millions who swear by LOA, many more millions can't make it work. It comes with a built in reason why it fails (much like the "miracles" sold by the religions) and that reason is:

It is YOU. You lack faith. You don't believe. It is actually the escape clause for all so called self improvement strategies based on LOA, or other "manifestation" techniques.

I like Jim Straw's take, Sure, have faith, but bring along a shovel if you want to move that mountain.

Probably one of the best works on manifestation there is, Jim's "MUSTARD SEEDS" book.

But getting back to everyday persuasion...I'm a follower of Milton Erikson and have been since the mid 60's, my hypnosis teacher was a practicing hypnotherapist named Fran Renner.

So from a self development and manifestation stand point, I have been a student and thought of life as my laboratory. Unless one chooses to be a hermit, or a Walden Ponder for life, other people are going to play huge roles in your life.

People who learn persuasion or salesmanship, or as Dale Carnegie might say, learns How to Win Friends and Influence People, are the ones who tend to be the most self fulfilled too.

Selling technique and stragegy and methods are a minefield of different rabbit holes of HOW TO. I fight those battles on the field of RESULTS.

What works? For me? Today, you could spend thousands of dollars learning NLP or Forbidden Keys, covert techniques, and/or attend the latest Guru's 2k seminar.

Erickson had a basic technique; confuse, replace. STUN-touch-ANCHOR.

Some of you have used my Ice Cream Truck technique, others have your big red nose or scratch off lottery tickets in your pockets.

SWITCHWORD PHRASES are the words, the things you say to your target during the brief time you have opened up their subconscious mind and planted your anchor or suggestion to them.

Switchwords are used for PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT.
Switchword PHRASES are used to persuade other people.

In moving your mountain, or manifesting your dream board, you can start with a small shovel and work toward your goal, and with persistence and OTHER PEOPLE'S leverage, it won't be long until the big CATS show up to level that mountain for you.

What is on your dreamboard and how are you getting other people to help you manifest it?

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