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Old October 26, 2017, 12:35 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Easy. Order a pizza, in less than 30 minutes you GET...

Yes, you can GET a pizza looking food (?) substance delivered to your door in less than 30 minutes.

THAT is easy.

So, I've sent out 17 Pick 3 Pocket Pros this past week, the first ones have arrived and feedback is coming in.

I have NO intention of embarassing anyone, so I'll paraphrase this email I rec'd this morning to make my POINT.

He wrote: Gordon, I didn't realize it would be so much work, won't you just tell me what to play? I replied, SURE, MY MONTHLY subscription to forecasts is 500 bux, paid in advance, NO refunds.

Probably, won't hear back. Which is OK.

The Pick 3 Pocket Pro is ONE device, from the few games I play, which is a TRACKING chart making device.

I have 10 years of charts. But for new people, it is required they do some homework for themselves. Especially tracking the last 200-250 DOUBLE DIGIT draws for their state. This takes a little time and EFFORT.

The Pick 3 Pocket Pro is color coded and is set up for a 25 draw default to play "switch". If one of the tracking % is beyond 25 draws, turn up the heat on that burner.

OK. YES, sure and of course, we all want it EASY.

Push a button, GET a result, GET something. Well, here is MY truth...accept it if you want, or don't...doesn't matter to me one way or the other.

There are no EASY buttons. In life. Sure, you can get a piece of cardboard spattered with tomato looking sauce and something melted on it in 30 minutes, but, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for.

Be it the lottery, or chatteling, or writing or publishing, or mail order or Internet Marketing...

BEFORE it becomes easy and auto pilot, BEFORE it gets to passive income, BEFORE you GET,

You have to GIVE. SOMETHING. Time or money, or both. Like my old pal Jim Straw wrote in his book, have faith, but bring along a shovel if you want to move that mountain.

Which reminds me of a book, AS A MAN THINKETH by James Allen. A short little book with 31 days of THOUGHTS, sort of like a thought a day, to focus on and meditate about, to get the right mindset, to allow yourself to receive help from the "Universe", to get in touch with the incredible power you have of creativity.

Yet 30 days is beyond many people's capability.

No matter how good the system, no matter how tested and proven the method is, and it doesn't matter what you believe, the truth is...

You can't always get what you want...

if you aren't able to GIVE before you GET.

Old song, new crowd needs to hear it.

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