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Old November 27, 2017, 02:34 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: Cyber Monday, flipping the light switch to ON.

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
I belong to dozens of Facebook groups and visit all kinds of sites, for a few seconds each...and what I see is this:

I want.
I need.
How do I get?
What is the best thing for me to make money?
Can I make money blogging? Affiliate marketing? SEO? Amazon? etc., etc.

I've had discussions and even a few arguments with those guys who tell the newbs it takes YEARS, 3, 5 OR 7 TO figure things out, and they are speaking from their experience.

And here is what happens...when the search for ME, MINE, I...and the chasing after flashing lights and spending money switches gears... they (and you) will start making money when the emphasis is shifted...when you get rid of

I WANT... and replace it

TO: Here is what I have of VALUE to offer...

the light switch comes on and your dark room is illuminated.

Does it take 5 years to find that switch? I say NO.

When you begin any money making venture from the position of OFFERING VALUE, instead of dreaming, scheming and thinking about yourself and what you want...

Call it whatever you want, but when you FOCUS on giving value and then getting the word out, things change. Money comes to you quickly, almost instantly in some cases.
Hi Gordon,

Again, great stuff (and very useful) wisdom!

I think part of the problem is people have trouble choosing from the array of options... Do I follow guru A who says do this? Or follow guru B who says do that? Or guru C...

However, when you start with what YOU have to offer, that can narrow things down a little...

Thanks for sharing, Gordon!

Best wishes,


P.S. I'm waiting for the start of "Galactic Tuesday"... When we'll start getting special offers from humanity's interplanetary colonies...
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