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Old November 27, 2017, 08:54 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Red face Your are very right, and it is often offered up to defend the 5 year journey.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

Again, great stuff (and very useful) wisdom!

I think part of the problem is people have trouble choosing from the array of options... Do I follow guru A who says do this? Or follow guru B who says do that? Or guru C...

However, when you start with what YOU have to offer, that can narrow things down a little...

Thanks for sharing, Gordon!

Best wishes,


P.S. I'm waiting for the start of "Galactic Tuesday"... When we'll start getting special offers from humanity's interplanetary colonies...

It is a money making concept which gets little attention. People begin with WANT/NEED to make money. Some very desperate, others tired of their jobs.

So they begin the search. The more desperate and less educated look for fast and easy ways, and therefore attract the gurus to themselves.

People witha little money to invest or education, will look to other places, like Franchising, or Entrepreneur Magazine, and you don't see any WSO's at those kind of places.

When someone investigates franchising or a biz-op such as licensing and distributorships they come from a two prong angle, how much do they have to invest, and what suits them. They at least give consideration to their skills and KNOWLEDGE.

At the upper levels you'll see more savvy investors, but not always smarter, but they tend to look at passive income possibilities after some time, or an expansion of their business via other locations.

Now, we talk mostly about bootstrappers and those with little to no money to invest, and we get back to looking for something QUICK AND EASY, so the guru chase begins.

So consider we are discussing ONLY the money lane, the financial circus ring of a life, but it is still a part of the Big Top, it is still only one lane in the SQ1 Highway, and here is the other part of their distraction and being blinded by shiny objects. Their arrary of options has to take into account their real life. \

A single guy living in his parent's home is a different seeker than a guy with two small children and a mortage, a wife and far less time. It is because of his circumstances he gets forced into picking from the many options, and he chooses because he is for the most part naieve about the ways of business.

Career counselors are useful to find strengths and likes to help point a worker in the right direction and there are business instruments too which can help people make a choice from that ARRARY.

BUT, if they come to the money making lane with the KNOWLEDGE that they already have SOMETHING, some experience, some expertise, some wisdom even if it is only being an expert on themselves...when they START from that GO square, you are right, the options become clearer and if they need to find guidance or to be counseled, they are able to evaluate the guru and again, not take 5 years to do it.

If a person hates to read and write, they filter themselves OR SHOULD, but often don't because they think all this can be outsourced, which is the lower educated thought. Sure, most things can be outsourced if you have the pockets deep enough, and it is sort of a Catch 22.

BUT, my biggest point of contention in the too many options, too much to choose from, well, it too often comes from the people who can't answer question 1, what do you want and WHY?

If the answer is purely a $$ amount, then any god will do, but I think it is the deeper point of this Seed Faith report. The WHY?

Jim Carrey is often held up as one of the believers of LOA, AS SEEN ON OPRAH, with his 10 million dollar check he visualized.

Today (and I have tremendous respect for Jim as he is today) he realizes the life he wanted, the one he CREATED for himself, never addressed his WHY, AND after the fame, fortune and so called success came the day he had to look at the man in the mirror and ask why he was not happy? Why didn't his realization of his dreams bring along the kind of happiness, the sort of fulfillment which puts a soul at peace.

But, he is facing his WHY today, and coming with some pretty good answers.

The old saw, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it, applies.

On point, most of us who choose our destinies with a clearer WHY are happy and fulfilled at the square one, we see the lifeline is a journey, not a destination.

Bring your knowledge and examine the money making world through the eyes of buyers, and match it up with what you have, and not what some guru wants to teach you (for a bit coin or two).


PS Maybe I'll correct spelling errors later. Maybe.

Last edited by GordonJ : November 27, 2017 at 09:15 PM.
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