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Old December 10, 2017, 04:33 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Try this for free.

Originally Posted by Nezzrak View Post
Good golly, that's a treasure trove of information (and just for a exercise). I will definitely look into it.

I've taken a look at his website and emailed them for the "Instant Entrepreneur" report. That site still confuses me bc I don't know what his main thing is and what I should get involved in there. Can you tell me what his main thing / product / service is?




Join the free membership, if still there.

You'll get a lot of free information about forming ealliances, which is the gist of the sdk site, BUILDING relationships. Matching buyers to sellers.

Pinkpanther is trying to do something similar, with his web sites.

Sherman Hunter was an engineer at Kodak before he hooked up with Harvey Brody and brings a lot to the table. There is a similar thread that runs through Joe Cossman, Harvey Brody and Sherman Hunter, and also through the Jay Abraham stuff. Jay's early involvement with Bud Weckesser, then Harvey Brody, then some East Coast diamond men, and the Calif intersection of the LA area, early to late 70's, and you see a lot of the same shades from the rainbow of TOLL and Control ideology.

Read the reports at ealliance and sdk, will give you an overview into the instant entrepreneur and overnight business owner concepts, which is, I believe, what you would be most interested in.

Gordon the historian.

PS. MY focus has been on IP, Copyrights and now turned to Hollywood and Licensing. BIG world of opportunity, but ACTION helps you find the thing you will be best at and enjoy.
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