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Old January 9, 2018, 09:16 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Imagine this.

Originally Posted by donsonic View Post

I'm totally with you...
Apps are great. Also discovered that the phone EXPERIENCE is DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA. Including Text, audio, video and apps. It's an IMMERSIVE experience on one platform. VERY interesting indeed. I'll touch base with you end of this week. Keep up the good work brother. Awesome to have young people in the mix. Thank you for your observation.



Imagine being back on the train (or subway) and as you see everyone with their heads in their phones, you push a couple of buttons, they all get an alert, and some of them push a button and respond by sending you a dollar.

Man, I'd be riding the train all day long, eh?

Now, think OLD time classifieds, the "standards". Anyone on the train, at the station, in the vicinity... any of them a prospect?

It is a NEW world. Opportunity abounds.

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