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Old June 15, 2018, 09:10 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default We are actually almost ready to test this on a USB drive.

Originally Posted by Cornell View Post
Thanks for the links

Yes, we do go way let's go back to good old Don Alm and his putting info on floppy disks and giving them a teaser on it and then having to pay for the password to get the rest....

People today are lazy and/or just don't know how to do searches effectively. There is quite a market out there for CD/DVD's with simply links to search findings for a specific niche.

Email marketing to sell the product directly, or if one has resources to do similar to the list of niche market and send CD/DVD free in the mail with sampler on it and then online payment of $10 to get password to rest of the researched links.

If done properly it doesn't take much, or long, to generate a $10,000 payday.

Give credit where credit is due, Don did write about doing this, and he apparently had a lot of success with the locked floppy.

We are experimenting with a loaded USB drive, something like IronKey or Aegis, and loading all the Hotsheets AND reports on to them. Now maybe a locked course too.

So, you get the front end, ala Don, and have the backend too, just buy the key. Great idea, I think. If it gets to the front burner, we'll, for sure, let everyone know.

Lots of great ideas over the years, from Don, and Cornell, and Ron Ruiz, and the good old boys of eras gone bye bye. Still some of those old ideas in the back of the Popular Science would be viable, if one were so motivated.

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