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Old August 1, 2018, 12:19 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Thanks Ankesh, by the way, GREAT newsletter.

Originally Posted by Ankesh View Post
Thanks Gordon for wanting to help people change their lives.

Do you have the energy and the time to manage both - building a new SQ1 centre and doing your Hollywood thing - together?

Always look forward to your stories, keep em coming.

To answer your question, yes or no. If we don't connect with HOLLYWOOD, plenty of time and energy to do many other things. That is the fork in the road, if the scarecrow says come on in, then we'll follow the yellow brick road to Sunset Blvd. IF, we don't get the kind of feedback we need to pursue it, then we do have time for other things.

Especially me.

Also, I hope a one year cycle will be enough for the SQ1 place, with me being very NON present, I may lay down the initial video, but then anyone will be able to teach it...what we need to learn is which tracks will be profitable, what information, courses, workshops or stand alone classes or training will
be recurring and on going.

When I worked at New Horizons computer training center, we dealt with mostly corporate training, some in-house, mostly at our site. Something like MS Office is an ongoing thing, with a focus on any given parts of the suite.

So, I imagine being up to date on current software and Internet Marketing will be a big part of what we do.

You make a great point, and NO, not time for both...but both are speculative, albeit the biz plan for the SQ1 has been on the books a decade or more, the
"plan" for Hollywood calls for a lot of things out of our hands; timing, the right people, unless we really want to do the Spike Lee route, (not at this time) and produce the content on our own.

For me, either creative road would be just fine, but since I have other family to consider, we want to give all the creativity a best possible shot.

One thing, you might find interesting, and we somewhat tested this...we'd run HELP WANTED ads as our first "advertising/awareness", with an emphasis on 1099ers and Independent Contractors, needing a bare bones office staff, maybe ONE good assistant to do the office work.

Thanks Ankesh, your input is not only appreciated but also given the gravitas it deserves too!


PS. I really think there are a few people with enough SQ1 under their belt that I don't think I'd have to dedicate my every awake hour to it, and that is kind of the goal, set it up so I'm quickly eliminated, because it isn't about me, but about THEIR results.

Last edited by GordonJ : August 1, 2018 at 12:59 PM.
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