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Old November 4, 2018, 06:25 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default “How a Princess-Teddy-Bear Gets To The BOSS w/One Phone Call”

Thanks Gordon,


“How a Princess-Teddy-Bear Gets To The BOSS w/One Phone Call”


While Talking to a Printer Ink Toner Cartridge Company owner at a 20K Seminar Sam told me how he got Business Owners and CEO’s on the Phone Fast.

He Federal Expressed them a Briefcase full of FAKE M*illion D*ollar Bills.


Sam Taped a blank Page to a CD Player.

The Blank Page said, “PLAY ME”

The CD had His Sales Pitch on it.

***UNFORTUNATELY - shortly there - after some idiot started mailing BOMBS to folks. So Suddenly the Bomb Squad was opening his brief Cases. Instead of The BOSS.

So That idea is OUT THE WINDOW.

But this Gave me an idea.

BUILD-A-BEAR - Emotional Punch -

Maxine Clark had started a company called “Build-A-Bear”.

I went to a Build-a-Bear Store.

Selected a Teddy Bear and put Princess Clothes on the bear. The slippers, the tiara, the Magic wand - the works.

Oh yeah.

The Female Staff were Giggling Like Mad. Made me put the Bears underwear on and stuff in the stuffing.

I was the ONLY ADULT Male in the store. Just Me and a Bunch of little Girls and their moms.


I added

Plus a 8 by 10 Page Around its neck that Said, “Look in the BackPack.”

A - In the BackPack was some candy

B - And a One Page Letter full of 7 Figure Idea Bullets.
Customized for that Business.

C - And a P.S. - That Said, “Expect a Call to Ask You WHICH IDEAS You Want to Find Out MORE ABOUT.

You Ask, “Did it work?”

IF You Mean “Did The Princess Teddy Bear Gambit get me to the Company Owner?

And Get me TIME to talk to the BOSS.

“YES it did. 100% of the time too.


I just looked at the NEW Build-a-Bear website in 2018.

The Business has 400 stores WORLD WIDE and is valued at 200 M*illion Bucks.

Could not find the Princess Bear.


I found something JUST AS GOOD.

Build-a-Bear NOW Puts a PERSONAL MESSAGE on the Chest of some of their Animals and Furry Versions of B*illion D*ollar Movie Characters.

Just Suppose You Have a Receptionist, An Executive Secretary And THE BOSS you want to TAKE YOUR CALL and Say “YES” to an appointment.


We Put The Names of The BOSS and His Office Team on the TEDDY BEARS
We Ship in the same Box.

You Put the Words,
“Thank You Sally,
“Thank You Sue,
“Thank You Bob on 3 Stuffed Animals.

You Toss a Bag of your Favorite Cookies or Candy in the box.

AND You Put a Ribbon around the Neck of each Teddy Bear
with an Envelope Attached.

Inside the 3 Envelopes are ONE PAGE.

Teddy Bear PAGE ONE Contains a Banana/Nut Muffin Recipe We Used to Sell 1.2 M*illion D*ollars of Seminar Seats.

Teddy Bear PAGE TWO Contains a Prune Muffin Recipe. MY FAVORITE.

Teddy Bear PAGE THREE Contains a Raisin/Nut Recipe - so good that Receptionists Cooked it and Raved About it - just before Putting their Boss on the Phone.

You Ask, “What is on SIDE TWO of each of the Three Pages?


AFTER looking at their FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Biz Website
I Know What Single IDEA Is Making THE BOSS Most of his moolah.


We write up 3 Similar ideas - from around the world - from Other Small Biz Owners Like himself/herself.

Say, “Expect a Phone Call to Find Out Which Idea You Want to Find Out MORE ABOUT FIRST.


P.S. - The LINK to the 1.2 M*illion Muffin Recipe S*ales System:
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