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Old December 10, 2018, 09:24 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default So, how'd it go?

Originally Posted by BenjaminS View Post
Yes, its a $10 2'x4' whiteboard from Home Depot. I bought 2 8' sticks of molding and stained them. Then used Gorilla Clear Stick Adhesive and they are finishing drying now. Altogether cost around $50 but there was less expensive molding if someone was on a budget. The only tools I needed was a paint brush and a mitre saw box which cost less than $15 combined. Really easy to do and inexpensive.

Originally, I was thinking of it being hung on the wall but the more places I look at offering it to, i'm realizing a stand maybe a good option to have and am looking into them today.

After taking the picture to upload here, I am thinking that if I flipped it sideways from my original plan and have the 4' be vertical, it will take up less space as some places I was having a hard time seeing where I could put something 4' without it being in the way.

I was also considering using magnetic boards going forward and just having the ads printed on magnets to make switching them convenient. Do you have an opinion on that?

Thanks and I'll definitely be back with an update on Monday.

My opinion on magnets, I wouldn't use them, anything that can be easily removed will be, kids and idiots will walk off with them. Another ad just pu over top of it would work, cut to size, liquid nail it on. I think 4 x 4 is too big for most places. I think either an easel or on a wall if there is one. Depends on place and if neither of those, maybe hung from the ceiling, but it can't be heavy to do that.

What did you encounter or learn your first day on the job?

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