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Old December 11, 2018, 11:33 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default 3 new ways to make some fast cash for 2019.


Are you ready to make some fast cash? Here are 3 ways you can:

#1. Sell me stuff.

#2. FIND me stuff.

#3. Joint Venture on Info Product.

In 2019, I'm back to the future with chatteling. I've got my networks in place.

I've got BUYERS. So, sell me stuff, make a quick buck (sure, I'm going to flip it for a profit, but so what, you made yours {or JV with me})

OR. FIND me stuff. This year I had a failed attempt to help out "foreign" investors find stuff, next year, I'm staying within the borders of USA. Lots of stuff right here without the headaches of import/export or EU, Russian invasions or other problems. Lots of BUYERS IN USA.

I pay an average 10 to 15% FINDER'S FEE. Find me a Cat for 10k, you make 1 to 1.5 thousand on it, see? You simply snoop around in your neck of the woods, see what is available, and check off the list of what I'm looking for.

OR, for many of you. Let me help you get your stored value info product out of your head and into the marketplace. Will do a JV and affiliate split on this. And you have access to my lists of buyers.

So there you go, 3 new ways to make some fast cash in 2019. If you have questions, ask here first, so all can see the answers. Specific details will be given by email.

Make 2019 a profitable year and get off to a fast cash start.


Last edited by GordonJ : December 11, 2018 at 11:43 AM.
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