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Old December 26, 2018, 09:44 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default 1923. Sonny Bono and the coming release into public domain.

Want a free product? Google or Bing copyrights 2019, and see what comes up. It has been discussed for months.

For the first time in 20 years, thanks to the Sonny Bono Copyright Act, there will be a release into the public domain, a LOT of work, and for those of you who might be interested...

a good time to search for what is going to be made available and put your thinking caps on, HOW can you use this information, and find some work which you can now use, completely, and not just under fair use, to create a product.

I have my eye on several things, mostly arcane, little known, but successfully sold works which may be ready for a comeback. Nothing beats making the old new again to generations who haven't been exposed.

Lots of lists popping up about what will be available.

If you don't yet know how (why?) to use the deeper Google searches, it would behoove you to do so.

ONE old book, tome, or even picture or song could be another income stream to add to your pipeline.

PUBLIC DOMAIN. A few have made their fortunes from PD, and don't forget the Government publishes a lot of stuff you could put to work for you too.

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