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Old January 9, 2019, 08:23 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default That method is truly gold...!!!

Happy New Year, Glenn!

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
And Put them together to Develop the Following SIMPLE Method.

THAT METHOD Predicts What will Sell well.

So you do not WASTE TIME, Sweat and Moolah to write a book that nobody wants.

STATED SIMPLY: (For On-Line Testing from Home)

STEP I - You ASK Your Customer List or a Forum - Like SOWPUB - Or a PodCast Or Radio Audience - Or Borrow EYEBALLS from a Gardening or Teacher or Other niched Forum - And Get The OWNERS PERMISSION to Ask - "WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BUY?"

STEP II - You Create a BRIBE REPORT. Most Folks today are TOO BUSY to
Give You Their OPINION so a BRIBE helps Boost Response.

STEP III - You Write a page or 2 of Possible Book Headlines for the BOOK You Plan to Write.

STEP IV - You Count the HEADLINE OPINION VOTES. If there are not Enough
Votes - YOU DROP That Book idea - Like a HOT POTATO. IF You Get LOTS of Headline VOTES - You Stick the winning Headline at the
top of your New E-book AND WRITE LIKE CRAZY.

Simple, right?
You're a genius, Glenn!

I like Step IV... You're finding out if they really like it, but in an indirect way (by asking them to vote on their favorite headline)...

Very clever... I like it!

Which of these 3 BRIBE REPORTS - Won The Voting by 300%?

BRIBE REPORT #1 - “How We Adapted Ideas from a McDonalds Restaurant Client, a Vegas 7-11 Client And a New Jersey Health Food Store to Help The Owner of 4 Restaurants SKYROCKET S*ALES In Super Competitive Miami, Florida.

BRIBE REPORT #2 - How We Masterminded with an Aussie Construction Worker so Albert (A) Gets p*aid by other Construction Workers he talks to (B) Gets P*AID by the owner of the Local SPECIALTY STORE For Construction Supplies AND (C) Gets P*aid to Host Weekend Parties at the store.

BRIBE REPORT #3 - How I Won a Battle with a GRUMPY Waitress
where we used (JEALOUSY and GREED-NLP-Flirt-Tipping) to Flip her from
STONE COLD - hating my guts - to SMILING - Bringing me 2 TIMES more Food than my 7 Bucks P*aid for.

won by 300%...
I guessed... and guessed WRONG!

(Chapter #23 is Glenn's next post, after the one I'm quoting from...)

Thanks for sharing this, Glenn!

Very, very, very valuable...

Best wishes,

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