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Old February 23, 2019, 11:51 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default #4 The HOW.

Twenty years ago this year, we started a BUSINESS forum, with the focus being mostly on making money, careers, Entrepreneurship but with a lot of leeway for almost anything.

We learned that some people just can't control themselves when it came to politics and religion, so we took that mostly off the table. Civil discussions are always welcome, but not the CHEST THUMPERS nor the PROVOCATEURS who don't believe in civility.

So we like to talk about the many ways of doing business or making money.

We believe, you don't get paid for doing nothing. Universal Basic Income is still an election or two away.

And, as noted we believe that working with people is necessary, there aren't any lone wolfs who truly did it all by themselves. So working with compatible people is also at the top of our list, and working in harmony, being on the same page, the same team, solving problems in the direction of goals.

So, HOW?

Oh boy, or as the old guys used to say; "Good Golly Molly". Today we are more likely to hear cursing and foul language which is further evidence of the corrosion of civility. My junior high English teacher used to say, when you curse to express yourself, you just reveal your ignorance to the world.

We have a rich language, but I guess some people who curse a lot need to use it to fit in. with their group. Anyhow...

OK, so how? 1001 ways.

Best way to make money is...

the one which suits YOU. To be continued this afternoon. Well, THIS afternoon if my ISP stays up.

One of the biggest mistakes made by would be Entrepreneurs is trying to follow a plan, blueprint or formula which doesn't fit their personality.

We have long advocated a personal approach to building YOUR business, and spending some time to pencil things out, using either MY SQ1 program, or something like Harvey Brody's view from the rooftop, to having goals. Whatever works for you. There are many routes to the top of the mountain, if that is where you choose to go. I prefer staying in the valley selling maps up the trails.

One of the best resources for IDEAS on making money and business is Dien's HIDDEN BUSINESS IDEAS newsletter. It has been almost a decade since he did his books, and the one, 57 $ecret Money Making Ideas is very good example of what a good looking indexed eBook looks like. If we can persuade Dien to release it, albeit almost 10 years old, it has VALUE.

Here are a few of the businesses Dien looked at, but first, MY collection goes way back to George Haylings (505 Odd Enterprises, etc.), Melvin Powers, Jim Straw, Dean F. V. DuVall, Joe Karbo, Jerry Buchanan and many others. Some of the first guys online, other than myself, included Ron Ruiz, Bill Myers, Bud Weckesser, etc. etc. Combined, Dien and I probably have almost everything written about starting a business from home.

Anyhow, some ideas:

Local HOTSHEET for Pet Friendly apartments. One of my kids is having this PROBLEM right now, finding an apartment in the area desired, which allows dogs. I think this could be a very part time, HOTSHEET, simple web page, type of business.

Dien has several ideas for pet lovers, including poop scooper (now a franchise), pet gifts, doggie costumes (10 years ago, somewhat of a novelty, today, a booming business with lot of demand), and the ONE type of dog which could make you a lot of money just by renting him/her out...big demand here too, if you love pets, owning one of these could be a big income op.

Get paid for giving advice. I just reread this in his book, and it is very good, his first suggestion 9.5 years ago, ETHER ( is still going strong.

A decade ago he wrote about TRANSLATION, and just recently posted something here about starting a translating business, maybe that guy got his idea from Dien long ago???

A decade ago he wrote about how HOT vinyl was getting, and today, a boom in records. Like Glenn Osborn said, Dien is psychic.

I could easily make a long list (and will if there is any interest) of business ideas, from the past 50 years that I've been collecting them, and I like the ODD, unusual, not often thought of type businesses...some, like THE OFF KEY SINGING TELEGRAM business, I've actually done. Others I have witnessed or seen for myself how viable some are.

My take on all this for the last 20 years, is...

I like a "bread and butter", practically auto-pilot income stream which pays the bills and frees up my time, and then pursue other things. I think most of you have something like this going too. Maybe a job (and having a job you like is a good thing), maybe an absentee cash cow, or investments...but what I see over the last couple of decades, most SOWPUBBERS have done many different things. Maybe we do attract the ADD/ADHD crowd, eh?

Or maybe we just like try new things and see what we can do with them.


PS. Due to high winds, I've got to hunker down and anchor some things, so I'll be back with more on this, later.

Last edited by GordonJ : February 24, 2019 at 01:32 PM.
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