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Old March 7, 2019, 12:58 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,507
Default Priceless. The super powerful MAGNET beneath the table.

You used a Harvey Brody technique. The superpowerful method:

Call me when you are between a rock and a hard place, but,
make sure you have money available when you call.

The ability to say NO, is as powerful a method as there is.

NO, I don't want your business. NO, I don't like the terms. NO, this deal isn't for me.

YES, I have the solution to YOUR problem, but NO, you don't get it today.

Great story, Thanks Glenn.


Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Thanks Gordon,

We gotta Figure out how to set up a Harvey Brodie
Toll Gate Situation.

Ethically set up systematic situation
where People buy simply because Their Ego is involved.

EXAMPLE I - The video Guy would LOOK bad on his own video
if he didn't Fork over some Cash to the Homeless guy.

Example II - below.

MULTI-M*Illionaire TIGHTWAD - Gary got himself into a situation where his NEW RADIO Salespeople were
looking to Him to Supply a Genius S*Ales Script at a Trade Show in
24 hrs.

I had such a B*illion D*ollar S*ales Script - which Is So Simple
Gary could LEARN it in an hr.

Then TEACH IT and Take all the Credit to a few dozen of his untrained
Radio Station team members.

So rather that BE EMBARRASSED - Gary Forked over the Cash.


From my Big Brass Ones Post...

MY ANSWER - "Ha ha! I remember you. You TIGHTWAD M*illionaire You. Email me back at [email protected] - WHEN YOU ARE DESPERATE. And instead of 30,000.00 That Clients Pay. For Only 5 Grand I'll walk you thru 2 Scripts that Grossed more than 2 B*illion and Built and s*old 4 Companies for my mentor Walter Hailey - that He never wrote down Anywhere - but I Paid 44,000 SMACKERS for. 4 Question NLP Hot Button Script. And 3-Step Invisible Trial Close Script. (And 6 Months later Gary Did P*A*Y. He Was Btwn a Rock and a Hard Place - had to train his team to get leads at a Radio Trade Show.)
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