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Old March 31, 2019, 04:57 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default A real life story...

Originally Posted by Fishman View Post
The "sign guy"...too funny! Had to share my latest experience...yesterday, saw a guy holding a sign who looked like he could use way more than a handout, but he was straight up honest with his sign and it read...."just need cigarettes"....I could not stop laughing because of the honesty he used. You have to respect him for being so honest....
Around 25 years ago, I was living in Berkeley (near San Francisco) - I was visiting for six months, as a postgrad student...

Anyway, I came across a homeless guy, who was having a philosophical conversation with some people. It was clear to me, he was quite bright...

I listened in, and was impressed. Afterwards, I dug around in my wallet, and gave him what (for me at the time, as a student) was a substantial amount of money...

He was grateful, and he said come with me, so I followed him.

First we went to a place where he bought a bottle of alcohol. Then he went and found a friend of his, and gave him some of the money I had given to him (I think repaying back a loan)...

Then we got some pizza.

The impression I got was, this was not a dumb guy. But sadly, he was an alcoholic. If he could get over his alcoholism, I felt he would be probably reasonably successful in life...

I never saw him again after that night. I hope he did okay.

I feel not all homeless people are like the stereotype... I don't know all the answers, but no doubt some have the capability to get out of their situation, and get back on their feet - and there can be hope...

Just felt like sharing!

Best wishes,

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